Development Update 7/12/24

Hey there! We’ve been hard at work these past two weeks, and have a lot of new stuff to show off!

> Download:

> Build Feedback: 

> Bug Reports:


This week’s build features a brand-new boss, an overhauled Fishdex, and a bunch of new art for the tutorial! You can check out the following:

**Swordmaster Swordfish**

> Test your skills against this legendary duelist! He won’t hold back…

**Fishdex Overhaul**

> The Fishdex got a massive upgrade! See all your fish at once, in addition to seeing the size and weight of your biggest catches!

**New Tutorial Art**

> We’ve got a brand new tileset and some new props! 

**Boss Improvements**

> We’re still constantly tweaking previous bosses to keep fights interesting!

Known Bugs

We are aware of some issues regarding Swordmaster Swordfish floating vertically above the water when he escapes... You should still be able to re-fish him by fishing in the water like normal.


As always, we want to hear from you! Please fill out our feedback form with your honest thoughts, and keep the bug report form handy in case you run into anything weird. We’ll see you next week!

Files 99 MB
78 days ago

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