Development Update 7/26/24

Hey there! This has been a productive week for us, so we’re excited to show you the current state of things, with plenty more coming next week!

> Download:

> Build Feedback: 

> Bug Reports:


New Art

> All sorts of new assets are in the game for your visual pleasure! We are still a long ways from being done though, so placeholder assets are still plentiful. 

Sound Effects

> We added a bunch of new sound effects for your auditory pleasure!

Boss Adjustments

> Every boss, from Mini Minnow to Swordmaster Swordfish, has received tweaks and tuning! Let us know how each one feels to fight!

UI Changes

> UI should look more coherent and consistent throughout the game. Let us know if something sticks out or looks odd!

Tutorial Enhancements

> Onboarding continues to be a main focus, so we’ve cleaned some things up to make the experience smoother!

Known Bugs

>When fishing in the Oil Rig level the game will occasionally crash. If anyone manages to get video of this we will be eternally grateful.

>When fishing up bosses more than once there is a chance that they will become semi-transparent. To avoid this issue wait until the current boss has completely disappeared from the level before fishing again.

>Sometimes the music will loop incorrectly.

>Rarely, clicking on a location on the map will crash the game.

>In the tutorial, opening the map in between defeating Mini Minnow and having The Bird speak to you will cause dialogue to permanently appear on the screen.


As always, we want to hear from you! Please fill out our feedback form with your honest thoughts, and keep the bug report form handy in case you run into anything weird. At the end of this week’s form, you can even submit a fish to be added to the game!

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64 days ago

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